

12.0V / 3.10Nm / 31.00rpm / Maxon / IP68 / RS-485


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DYNAMIXEL XW series uses a waterproof cable.

One side has a waterproof connector and the other side has a JST connector.

Extension cable has waterproof connectors for both sides.

The OpenCR controller has a JST connector for direct connection, but since the OpenCM9.04 + OpenCM 485 expansion board only has a Molex connector, a conversion cable must be used by utilizing U2D2 PHB.



Model Name XW430-T333-R
MCU Cortex-M3 (72 [Mhz], 32 [bit])
Input Voltage Min. [V] 10.0
Recommended [V] 12.0
Max. [V] 14.8
Performance Characteristics Voltage [V] 12.0
Stall Torque [N·m] 3.10
Stall Current [A] 1.3
No Load Speed [rpm] 31.0
No Load Current [A] 0.07
Continuous Operation Voltage [V]
Torque [N·m]
Speed [rpm]
Current [A]
Resolution Resolution [deg/pulse] 0.0879
Step [pulse/rev] 4
Angle [degree] 360
Position Sensor Contactless absolute encoder (12 [bit], 360 [deg])
Maker : ams(www.ams.com), Part No : AS5045
Operating Temperature Min. [°C] -5
Max. [°C] 80
Motor Coreless (Maxon)
Baud Rate Min. [bps] 9,600
Max. [bps] 4,500,000
Control Algorithm PID
Gear Type Spur
Gear Material Metal
Case Material Metal(Front, Middle, Back)
Dimensions (WⅹHⅹD) [mm] 28.5 x 46.5 x 34.0
Dimensions (WⅹHⅹD) [inch] 1.12 X 1.83 X 1.34
Weight [g] 96.00
Weight [oz] 3.39
Gear Ratio 332.8:1
Command Signal Digital Packet
Protocol Type Asynchronous Serial Communication (8bit, 1stop, No Parity)
Link (Physical) RS485 Multi Drop Bus
ID 0 ~ 252
Feedback Position, Velocity, Current, Realtime tick, Trajectory, Temperature, Voltage, External Port, etc.
Protocol Type Protocol 1.0
Protocol 2.0(Default)
Operating Mode / Angle Current Control mode:Endless turn
Velocity Control mode:Endless turn
Position Control Mode:360 [deg
Extended Position Control Mode:±256 [rev]
Current-based Position Control Mode:±256 [rev]
PWM Control Mode:Endless turn
Output [W]
Standby Current [mA] 40



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